Spotlight on Drench Resistance

About this special report
In December 2023, Farmers Weekly broke the news that a looming threat to New Zealand ag had come to pass: triple drench resistance in cattle was now a clear and present danger to the beef and dairy industries. In this special report series, the team unpacks what that means for the sector, from revisiting farm systems to heeding the sheep farmers whose experience could offer a solution.
How Pāmu’s organic farm weaned itself off drench
It’s all about monitoring the animals’ health day to day and keeping residuals a little higher.
Vets seek more farmer effort on resistance
Sheep farmers have valuable lessons for cattle colleagues after living with the problem for longer, vet says.
No chemical knight riding to the rescue
Until larger countries catch up with NZ in noticing a drench problem, the drug companies won’t be spending big bucks on countering it.
The stigma that follows drench resistance
A farmer is mystified about how his land, and stock, fell prey to the syndrome – and still won’t go public about it.
Data can help deal with drench crisis
Intensive monitoring among the more effective resets in farm management.
Breeder seeks bell curve edge for resistance
What worked for sheep could work for cattle – if we had the numbers to develop it, says Gordon Levet.
New challenge as cattle drenches hit wall
How to continue to farm without so much reliance on drenches is the task ahead.
Worm control key to post-drench farm systems
Wormwise internal parasite project sees surge in farmers seeking information on drench resistance.
Drench battle out of ammo
There is no chemical silver bullet on the horizon to help farmers deal with drench resistance.
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