Samantha Tennent
129 posts
Coming from a science background, Samantha Tennent’s passion lies in converting technical information into on-farm applications. She loves helping farmers understand how they can utilise science to improve their herd and farm performance, particularly by combining it with farmer stories.
Writing is a hobby she began in 2012 which has evolved throughout her career. She has held roles with businesses like LIC, DairyNZ and WelFarm and keeps her toes dipped in agri comms work on the side, mostly through Dairy Farmer magazine.
When she's not in front of her computer or tripping around the countryside, she hangs out with her family and animals on their lifestyle block in South Waikato, realising it's basically farming without an income. April 15, 2024
Alternative dairy’s triple threat
There are three categories of alternatives to dairy being developed, and each is on a different timeline.
April 5, 2024
Calculated decisions pedal success for a farm accountant
Paul Duynhoven knew from early on that he wanted to specialise in an area some in his line steer clear of – farm accounting.
March 15, 2024
Confronting fears to pursue a dairy farming dream
It took a while, but Laura Murdoch overcame the phobia that was one of the obstacles between her and her beloved cows.
March 4, 2024
Global outlook and marketing trends for dairy
Dairy products are expected to have the largest rate of consumption growth among all food categories over the next decade.
February 20, 2024
Miraka-WelFarm alliance harnesses digital synergy
This integration will allow the verification process to flow automatically between WelFarm and Miraka systems.
December 11, 2023
From high heels to Red Bands
Hashini Cooke has gone from wanting to be off the farm to longing to be on one of her own.
November 30, 2023
All systems go to sustainably feed a growing population
Market trends and global geopolitical uncertainties highlighted as the world prepares for seismic shifts in agriculture.
November 30, 2023
Competing in a global industry while facing local challenges
The head of the United States Dairy Export Council takes a worldwide view of the sector’s opportunities and threats.
November 30, 2023
Heat stress comes with a hefty bill
Taking proactive measures to combat heat stress is a crucial part of making sure dairy farming remains sustainable in the face of climate change, summit is told.
November 30, 2023
How the US supports ag amid climate change pressures
US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack says it was the dairy industry in the US that first encouraged a voluntary and market-based system that would reward farmers for addressing the climate.