Reece Brick
34 posts
Over time, Reece Brick has found himself involved in basically all areas of AgriHQ market data in varying degrees. Officially, he leads the large monthly AgriHQ reports (Monthly Sheep & Beef and the Forestry Market Report), while often finding himself down at the Feilding sale yards for the LivestockEye coverage on all store sales there. Otherwise, he’s usually the go-to for all data-related queries and usually ends up the first port of call for IT support in the AgriHQ team. Growing up he lived on a few sheep and beef blocks in the back of Gisborne. March 13, 2023
Timber usage slows significantly
Aside from the obvious challenges brought on by Cyclone Gabrielle, harvesting crews equipment has also been destroyed.
March 7, 2023
NZ can bless the rains down in America
Stratospheric cow slaughter tallies have essentially clogged US beef supply for a while, but the drought there has broken – and that’s good news for bull farmers in New Zealand.
January 20, 2023
Selling livestock: it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish
With this much grass waving in the paddocks, there is bound to be a knock-on effect down the line – and it’s already showing up at the processing end of things.
December 7, 2022
Are light store lambs worth the gamble?
At the end of the day, when the numbers are crunched and the jitters tabulated, buyers of store lambs coming in shy of 25kg should have a dollar to show for their trade when they cash out come April.
November 30, 2022
Sainsbury lamb leg price explained
The odds of all the lamb legs being solely from NZ are slim.
November 8, 2022
Less to bleat about, but beef feels heat
Beef is around the middle of the pack when it comes to cost, usually below lamb, venison, and some seafoods, but above chicken and pork.
October 11, 2022
Lamb feels the chill of global winds
Key drivers of recent record prices fall away, leaving sector stalled for now.
August 17, 2022
Split in the store market
Differences at processor at root of divergence in sheep and beef markets.
July 20, 2022
A look at lamb markets around the world
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows for livestock producers in other countries as processing challenges, politics and the weather take their toll.
July 13, 2022
Why are store lambs underpriced?
The store lamb markets have a distinctly different look and feel compared with last year. Back then, prices…